You are not alone.
Whether you are living with memory loss or caring for someone with memory loss, information and resources are available.
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The full guide is available below.
10 Signs of Dementia
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Park Rapids City Bus | 218.732.3500 County Bus Service| 218.732.9328
Living at Home of the Park Rapids Area 218.732.3137 | Volunteer drivers for ages 65+
218.732.3561 |
Regional & National Resources
800.272.3900 (24 hrs) |
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid Services 800.292.4150 |
Minnesota Indian Area Agency on Aging 218.335.8581 |
Minnesota State Services for the Blind 651.642.0500 |
Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, DeafBlind & Hard of Hearing 651.431.5961 |
800.438.4380 |
800.333.2433 |
Independent Living Supports/Services
Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging 800.333.2433 | Senior LinkAge Line: Senior support services
Hubbard County Social Services 218.732.1451 | Assessment & support planning
Living at Home of the Park Rapids Area 218.732.3137 | Senior support services
Lutheran Social Services of MN 800.582.5260 | Senior support services
LegalContact the local attorney of your choice
TSZLaw – Geriatric Care Management 218.732.7236 |
Nutrition Hubbard County Food Shelf – Park Rapids 218.732.1282 | 308 Pleasant Ave S
Lutheran Social Services – Meals 800.488.4146 | Congregate dining & home delivered meals
Ruby’s Pantry - Menahga 216 Aspen Ave S 3rd Saturday of the month, 8:30 AM, food pantry
SNAP – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 218.732.1451 | |
Education218.732.3137 | Equip caregivers with knowledge, skills and tools to develop and enrich their role
218.732.3137 | Attend a one hr dementia information session
218.732.4966 |
Park Rapids Community Education 218.237.6600 |
Emotional & Spiritual Support Support is available through many listed services and the faith partner of your choice
218.732.3137 | Meets Monthly. Call to register
Healthcare Services
218.732.3311 |
Essentia Health – Park Rapids Clinic 218.732.2800 |
Sanford Health – Park Rapids Clinic 218.699.3121 | Home Health Care & Hospice
Caring Hands Home Care 218.732.0088
CHI St. Joseph’s Health – Hospice Care 218.732.4552 |
Hospice of the Red River Valley 800.237.4629 |
218.237.2350 |
218.732.9394 |
Pharmacy Services
Coborn’s Pharmacy – Park Rapids 218.732.0836 |
218.237.5848 |
218.732.3342 |
218.732.0329 |
Residential & Respite Services
218.732.3721 | Assisted living
218.699.3605 | Independent living, assisted living, memory care
218.732.3606 | Assisted living, memory care
218.732.3329 | Independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing facility, memory care
Living at Home of the Park Rapids Area 218.732.3137 | Respite services
Morning Out 218.732.5205 | Drop-in Respite Not currently operating due to COVID-19
One in nine people age 65 and older has Alzheimer’s dementia © 2021 Alzheimer’s Association |
Visit Park Rapids Area Library to check out these Dementia Friendly related titles about dementia care, coping, and community.
Compiled January 2021
Park Rapids Area Library |
Title | Type of resource | Description |
Namaste Care for People Living with Advanced Dementia: A Practical Guide for Career and Professionals | Nonfiction book | The Namaste Care approach is focused on giving comfort and pleasure to people with advanced dementia through sensory stimulation, especially the use of touch, and this book provides extensive guidance on every stage of the process, including harnessing the community interest, recruiting and training volunteers, and managing pain and discomfort. |
When Someone You Know is Living in a Dementia Care Community: Words to Say and Things to Do | Nonfiction Book | A guide to help family and friends navigate the emotional and practical challenges they face when someone they love is living in community care. |
Where Memories Go: Why Dementia Changes Everything | Nonfiction Book |
Sad and funny, wise and honest, Where Memories Go is a deeply intimate account of insidious losses and unexpected joys in the terrible face of dementia, and a call to arms that challenges us all to think differently about how we care for our loved ones when they need us most. |
Memory Activity Book: Engaging Ways to Stimulate the Brain, for People Living with Memory Loss | Nonfiction Book |
More than 70 brain-stimulating activities for people with memory loss or dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Physical and mental activities along with social interaction may help maintain your brain health and slow the progress of memory loss and dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. They can also provide a meaningful way to connect. This book is packed with fun and creative ideas, from nature walks, gardening, and exercise to arts, crafts, puzzles, and games. Each activity includes step-by-step instructions, the specific benefits, and ways to adapt the activity for different abilities. Designed for people with memory loss or dementia along with their family, friends, and caregivers. |
Family | DVD Movie |
A "multi-media scrapbook," the video can be enjoyed as either entertainment or as a therapeutic tool for someone with memory loss (including Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia). Creates opportunities for connection, stimulates and entertains, and eases the difficulties of caregiving. |
Alzheimer’s Activities that Stimulate the Mind | Nonfiction Book |
Based on its author's four-year study and 15 years of experience in Alzheimer's and dementia-related care, Alzheimer's Activities That Stimulate the Mind is the only book offering exercises appropriate to each of the four stages of the disease. It features hundreds of exercises across an array of areas and disciplines, including arts and crafts, community outings, physical activity, religion and spirituality, grooming, gardening, music, and many more. |
The 36 Hour Day: a Family Guide to Caring for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease, related dementing ill | Nonfiction Book |
The 36-Hour Day has been an essential resource for families who love and care for people with Alzheimer disease. Whether a person has Alzheimer disease or another form of dementia, he or she will face a host of problems. The 36-Hour Day will help family members and caregivers address these challenges and simultaneously cope with their own emotions and needs. |
We Know How this Ends: Living while Dying | Biography Book |
The perspective and insights offered in We Know How This Ends reveal this daily reality and inspire a way forward for anyone who has suffered major loss and for anyone who surely will. Rather than wallowing in sadness and bitterness, anger and denial, Kramer accepted the crushing ALS diagnosis. The educator and musician recognized that if he wanted a meaningful life, embracing his imminent death was his only viable option. His decision was the foundation for profound, personal reflection and growth, even as his body weakened, and inspired Kramer to share and teach the lessons he was learning from ALS about how to live as fully as possible, even in the midst of devastating grief. It is a dignified, courageous, and unflinching look at how acceptance of loss and inevitable death can lead us all to a more meaningful and fulfilling life" |
At Peace: Choosing a Good Death After a Long Life | Nonfiction Book |
At Peace outlines specific active and passive steps that older patients and their health care proxies can take to insure loved ones pass their last days comfortably at home and/or in hospice, when further aggressive care is inappropriate. Through Dr. Harrington's own experience with his parents and patients, he describes the terminal patterns of the six most common chronic diseases; how to recognize a terminal diagnosis even when the doctor is not clear about it; how to have the hard conversation about end-of-life wishes; how to minimize painful treatments; when to seek hospice care; and how to deal with dementia and other special issues. |
The Brain’s Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries for the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity | Nonfiction Book |
Norman Doidge's revolutionary new book shows, for the first time, how the amazing process of neuroplastic healing really works. It describes natural, non-invasive avenues into the brain provided by the forms of energy around us--light, sound, vibration, movement--which pass through our senses and our bodies to awaken the brain's own healing capacities without producing unpleasant side effects. And we learn how to vastly reduce the risk of dementia with simple approaches anyone can use. |
Long Term Care: How to Plan and Pay for It |
Nonfiction Book | "This book discusses how to choose options for home care, assisted living, and nursing homes; get the most out of Medicaid, Medicare, and veterans' programs; evaluate whether long-term care insurance is worth the significant expense; consider the special needs of loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer's; and protect loved ones from elder fraud |
The New Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Book |
Nonfiction Book | Dr. Ahlskog draws on thirty years of clinical experience to present the definitive guide to dealing with all aspects of Parkinson's Disease, from treatment options and side effects to the impact of the disease on caregivers and family. Dr. Ahlskog's goal is to educate patients so that they can better team up with their doctors to do battle with the disease, streamlining the decision-making process and enhancing their treatment. |
Brain Storms: The Race to Unlock the Mysteries of Parkinson’s Disease |
Nonfiction Book | Brain Storms is a profoundly personal investigation into Palfreman's own struggles and those of others living with Parkinson's. From a professional ballet dancer who "tricks" her body to move freely again, to a "frozen" patient who cannot walk but astounds doctors when he is able to ride a bicycle, Palfreman shines a light on the varied and ingenious ways patients cope with having their bodies steadily taken away from them. The race is on to discover a means to stop or reverse neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. |
Always looking up: the adventures of an incurable optimist / Michael J. Fox. |
Audio Book - CD | The popular film and television actor evaluates the personal philosophy that has enabled his positive outlook in spite of his battle with degenerative Parkinson's disease, and discusses how he has become a happier person by recognizing the gifts of everyday life. |
No saints around here : a caregiver's days / Susan Allen Toth. |
Biography Book | “We all need someone to hear us,” Toth says of the millions who devote their days to the care of a loved one. Her memoir is at once an eloquent expression of that need and an opening for others. No Saints around Here is the beginning of a conversation in which so many of us may someday find our voices. |
Dementia |
(new) | |
Tea Cakes for Tosh |
Children’s Fiction | Tosh loves his grandma Honey and her delicious golden tea cakes. When she tells the story of how the cookies became part of their family, he feels like he's flying back in time. But then one day, Honey starts forgetting things, even an ingredient for the tea cakes. Inspired by his love for his grandma and respect for his family's heritage, Tosh finds a way to give Honey and himself a gift that keeps the memory alive. |
The Remember Balloons |
Children’s Fiction |
James’s Grandpa has the best balloons because he has the best memories. He has balloons showing Dad when he was young and Grandma when they were married. Grandpa has balloons about camping and Aunt Nelle’s poor cow. Grandpa also has a silver balloon filled with the memory of a fishing trip he and James took together. But when Grandpa’s balloons begin to float away, James is heartbroken. Eventually, Grandpa no longer has balloons of his own. But James has many more than before. It’s up to him to share those balloons, one by one. |
Kitchigami Regional Library - Dementia Friendly Resources |
Title | Type of resource | Description |
Dementia in the Family : Practical Advice from a Caregiver | Nonfiction Book | Dementia in the Family provides clinical information in lay terms within a true story of how dementia affects not just the person with the disease, but everyone around them. The author's gentle humor offers the reader moments of lightness in what could be a very dark read. Anyone can read and learn from this warm, practical, and all-encompassing book on dementia. |
Loving someone who has dementia : how to find hope while coping with stress and grief | Nonfiction Book |
When Someone You Love Has Dementia is a new kind of caregiving book. It's not about the usual techniques, but about how to manage on-going stress and grief. The book is for caregivers, family members, friends, neighbors as well as educators and professionals, anyone touched by the epidemic of dementia. Boss's book builds on research and clinical experience, yet the material is presented as a conversation. She shows you a way to embrace rather than resist the ambiguity in your relationship with someone who has dementia. |
Creating moments of joy for the person with Alzheimer's or dementia | Nonfiction Book |
Jolene Brackey has a vision. A vision that will soon look beyond the challenges of Alzheimer's disease and focus more of our energy on creating moments of joy. When a person has short-term memory loss, his life is made up of moments. We are not able to create a perfectly wonderful day with someone who has dementia, but it is absolutely attainable to create a perfectly wonderful moment; a moment that puts a smile on their face, a twinkle in their eye, or triggers a memory. |
A caregiver's guide to dementia : using activities and other strategies to prevent, reduce and manage behavioral symptoms | Nonfiction Book |
A Caregiver s Guide to Dementia explores the use of activities and other techniques to prevent, reduce and manage the behavioral symptoms of dementia. Separate sections cover daily activities, effective communication, especially difficult behaviors, and explicit strategies to deal with agitation, repetitive questions, acting-out, wandering, restlessness, hoarding, and much more. Worksheets are provided to help caregivers customize the strategies that work best for them. |
A loving approach to dementia care : making meaningful connections with the person who has Alzheimer's disease or other dementia or memory loss | Nonfiction Book |
Laura Wayman's program of care emphasizes communication, affirmative response, and empowerment―transforming the caregiving process from a burden into a fulfilling journey. Her true stories of caregiving illustrate the principles of this loving approach, giving readers essential tools for connecting with people who have dementia. Wayman urges caregivers not to neglect themselves: take care of yourself so you will have physical and mental energy to share with your loved one. |
Alzheimer's disease and dementia : what everyone needs to know | Nonfiction Book |
Providing an accessible, question-and-answer-format primer on what touches so many lives, and yet so few of us understand, Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: What Everyone Needs to Know contributes what is urgently missing from public knowledge: unsparing investigation of their causes and manifestations, and focus on the strengths possessed by people diagnosed. |
Making tough decisions about end-of-life care in dementia | Nonfiction Book |
In Making Tough Decisions about End-of-Life Care in Dementia, Dr. Anne Kenny, a skilled palliative care physician, describes how to navigate the difficult journey of late-stage dementia with sensitivity, compassion, and common sense. Combining her personal experience caring for a mother with dementia with her medical expertise in both dementia and end-of-life care, Dr. Kenny helps the reader prepare for a family member's death while managing their own emotional health. |
When love meets dementia : frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) and the family | Nonfiction Book |
Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD) is now recognized as one of the most common forms of dementia in individuals under age 65, second only to Alzheimer's. Shedding light on a little known brain disease, this volume examines FTD from a few angles, beginning with the author's insightful memoir of her husband's struggle with FTD and its impact on their family. |
Dementia reimagined : building a life of joy and dignity from beginning to end | Nonfiction Book |
In demystifying dementia, Dr. Powell helps us understand it with clearer eyes, from the point of view of both physician and caregiver. Ultimately, she wants us all to know that dementia is not only about loss--it's also about the preservation of dignity and hope. |
Remembering What Matters : Stories from an Amazing Place Reveal the Unexpected Lessons of Dementia | Nonfiction Book |
Now called Amazing Place, serves over 3,000 individuals each year through its dementia day program, caregiver support programs and community education. The mission of enriching lives by providing fellowship, memory care and wellness to those with mild to moderate dementia and to support their families continues today. Our participants show us that in spite of the losses they face, their souls remain intact. Their lives can still have meaning. They can still teach us. When labels are stripped away, as they inevitably are with dementia, we are able to see these people for who they really are. |
Grandpa and Lucy : A Story About Love and Dementia | Children’s Book |
Edie Weinstein is a ninth grader at Visitation High School in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Edie wrote Grandpa and Lucy for a Girl Scout Silver Award Project to help more people, particularly youth, learn about dementia. She wanted to make it more enjoyable for young people to talk to their relatives or other older friends who have dementia. |
Stop Alzheimer's Now! : How to Prevent & Reverse Dementia, Parkinson's, Als, Multiple Sclerosis & Other Neurodegenerative Disorders | Nonfiction Book |
This book outlines a program using ketone therapy and diet that is backed by decades of medical and clinical research and has proven successful in restoring mental function and improving both brain and overall health.The information in this book is useful not only for those who are suffering from neurodegenerative disease but for anyone who wants to be spared from ever encountering one or more of these devastating afflictions. |
All gone : a memoir of my mother's dementia, with refreshments [LARGE PRINT] | Biography Book – Large Print |
Reproducing the perfect meat loaf was no panacea, but it helped Witchel come to terms with her predicament, the growing phenomenon of “ambiguous loss ”— loss of a beloved one who lives on. Gradually she developed a deeper appreciation for all the ways the parent she was losing lived on in her, starting with the daily commandment “Tell me everything that happened today” that started a future reporter and writer on her way. And she was inspired to turn her experience into this frank, bittersweet, and surprisingly funny account that offers true balm for an increasingly familiar form of heartbreak. |
Enter mourning : a memoir on death, dementia, & coming home | Nonfiction Book |
Enter Mourning: A Memoir on Death, Dementia, and Coming Home chronicles Menzies’s transformative journey with her mother as words fail and the very nature of communication is redefined. Family dynamics among sisters and brothers come to the fore as the roles and responsibilities of the parent shift to the children: from moving their mother to a seniors` residence to signing a medical power of attorney to the matriarch`s physical decline, to her safe passage into death. Menzies and her siblings experience growing old--and growing up--in touching and heart-wrenching ways. |
Beyond Alzheimer's : how to avoid the modern epidemic of dementia | Nonfiction Book |
Dr. Mendelson begins his book with a straightforward explanation of how the brain ages―physically, structurally, and chemically. The remainder of the book is prescriptive, and offers hope to both Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers by recommending scientifically tested herbs, vitamins and nutraceuticals that can help mitigate or delay the effects of dementia. Finally, the author suggests lifestyle changes that might help a person avoid dementia altogether, commonsense health tips that include steps to prevent heart disease and diabetes, treatment for sleep apnea, maintaining an ideal body weight, and even engaging in a more active social life. |
Memory's last breath : field notes on my dementia | Biography Book |
Memory's Last Breath is Gerda Saunders' astonishing window into a life distorted by dementia. She writes about shopping trips cut short by unintentional shoplifting, car journeys derailed when she loses her bearings, and the embarrassment of forgetting what she has just said to a room of colleagues. Coping with the complications of losing short-term memory. |
Alzheimer's disease decoded : the history, present, and future of Alzheimer's disease and dementia | Nonfiction Book |
The book aims to present, educate and inform individuals about Alzheimer's disease in a comprehensive manner. Its scope ranges from the discovery of the disease, epidemiology and basic biological principles underlying it, to advanced stem cell therapies used in the treatment of Alzheimer's. |
Creative care : a revolutionary approach to dementia and elder care | Nonfiction Book |
In Creative Care, Anne Basting lays the groundwork for a widespread transformation in our approach to elder care and uses compelling, touching stories to inspire and guide us all—family, friends, and health professionals—in how to connect and interact with those living with dementia |
Is it Alzheimer's? : 101 answers to your most pressing questions about memory loss and dementia | Nonfiction Book |
Perhaps someone in your family has been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease—or maybe you worry about developing memory loss yourself. In Is It Alzheimer's?, Dr. Peter V. Rabins, a top expert in the field, educates readers by answering 101 often-asked questions about memory loss and dementia. Written in a conversational, easy-to-use Q&A style, the book is organized into seven unique sections. A companion to the best-selling The 36-Hour Day, which Dr. Rabins coauthored |
Grandma forgets | Children’s Book |
Grandma Forgets is the heart-warming story of a family bound by love as they cope with their grandma’s dementia. Over the years, the little girl has built up a treasure trove of memories of time spent with Grandma: sausages for Sunday lunch, driving in her sky-blue car to the beach, climbing her apple trees while she baked a delicious apple pie, and her comforting hugs during wild storms. But now, Grandma can’t remember those memories. That’s alright though, because she has her family to help her. |
Caregiving tips A-Z : Alzheimer's & other dementias | Nonfiction Book |
Everything you need to know to care for your loved one at home! You can do it! Our home care manual provides you with over 1200 excellent caregiving tips and suggestions to make your life easier. Written in a down-to-earth, non-clinical language, you will have no problem implementing the basic elements in your daily routine. Whether you are caring for a parent, spouse or residents in your home, this ready-reference guidebook will give you peace of mind in knowing that solutions are at your fingertips. |
Through the seasons : an activity book for memory-challenged adults and caregivers | Nonfiction Book |
Through the Seasons includes an introduction with instructions for family and professional caregivers as well as a resources section at the end of the book. |
Outsmarting alzheimer's : what you can do to reduce your risk | Nonfiction Book |
An easy-to-follow, research-based guide to the simple, low-cost choices that give the reader the power to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia; slow the progression of the disease; and mitigate symptoms and improve well-being. These easy, low-cost, and fun brain-boosting activities can help you delay or even avoid the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, mitigating symptoms like forgetfulness or depression and sharpening your mental edge. |
Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias / medical editors, Jonathan Graff-Radford, M.D., Angela M. Lunde, M.A.. | Nonfiction Book |
In the seventh edition of Mayo Clinic on Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, expert neurologists from the Mayo Clinic organize this new research into a thorough and digestible guidebook that provides caregivers with the most up-to-date information regarding the disease. The book presents a comprehensive look at the typical symptoms associated with dementia, current findings regarding common causes of the disease, and gives essential tips for managing the day-to-day challenges of caring for someone with dementia. |